Jenifer Morris Photography
Photo credit: Jenifer Morris Photography
Who Are the Quakers?
Although Quakers (also known as Friends) espouse a wide variety of religious beliefs, or lack thereof, most strive to incorporate into their daily lives a common set of values or testimonies. These values influence what we do in our personal lives, what we believe, and changes we work for in the world. When you hold your event in our venue, these Quaker values also influence the hospitality we provide you and your guests.
Focusing on what is truly important and letting other things fall away
Seeking justice and healing for all people; taking away the causes of war in the ways we live
Living as persons who act on what we believe, tell the truth, and do what we say we will do
Supporting one another in our faith journeys and in times of joy and sorrow; sharing with and caring for each other
Treating everyone, everywhere, equally; recognizing that everyone has gifts to share
Valuing and respecting all creation; using only our fair share of the earth’s resources; working for policies that protect the planet
To learn more about Quakerism and Friends Meeting of Washington, please visit our community website.

Photo credit: Kathi Littwin Photography
“In marriage do thou be wise: prefer the person before money, virtue before beauty, the mind before the body; then thou hast a wife, a friend, a companion, a second self.”
~ The Quaker William Penn (1644-1718)